
Zmysłowski Jacek

Jacek Zmysłowki, fot Jan Krzysztof Fiołek(1953–1982), artist of the Laboratory Theatre, one of the leaders of the paratheatrical experiments. In 1973, not quite aged twenty, he was invited by Grotowski to become a collaborator. From January 1974 he was a member of the Institute of the Actor – Laboratory Theatre. Initially he was a member of the group working on Narrow Special Project and Special Project. During The University of Research he led Ule (Beehives) and – twice – Special Project in Brzezinka. From 1976 he led Mountain Project. In the following years he led the Vigils cycle, while also participating in the expeditions of the Theatre of Sources to the Białystok region and to Mexico (1980). In accordance with the plans announced by Grotowski, he was to lead the realisation of the three-stage Earth Project [Przedsięwzięcie Ziemia] at the end of the 1970s and in the early 1980s, while in autumn 1981 his group was to carry out the project Journey to the East [Podróż na Wschód], a form of expedition based entirely on active participation. The plans were, however, thwarted by Zmysłowski developing incurable cancer. Zmysłowski died in New York on 4 February 1982. During the 1970s he was one of Grotowski’s closest collaborators and in a letter sent on the day of Zmysłowski’s death, Grotowski admitted that he had for a long time been thinking of him ‘as my successor’.


Francois Kahn: The Vigil, [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook, pod red. Richarda Schechnera i Lisy Wolford, Routledge, London – New York 1997, pp. 226–230.

Na przeciwległym biegunie potoczności”. Rozmowa z Jackiem Zmysłowskim, [w:] Tadeusz Burzyński: Mój Grotowski, wybór i opracowanie Janusz Degler i Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Wrocław 2006, s. 121–131.